Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Evaluation of Preliminary Filming Task

Evaluation of Preliminary Filming Task

How filming went:
All in all the filming was good. We organised ourselves to complete the filming in a lesson as well as lunchtime and roughly 20 minutes of another lesson to finish the filming completely. We knew what we needed to film and set up all the resources beforehand, each of us was assigned a role and we stuck to these roles. 
How editing went:

Editing was the slightly more tricky part of the task however as it's only the prelim task we didn't have to include elements such as credits, title and sound. We managed to get the clips running in sequence and we cut bits out of the separate clips so that they would flow better. In addition, we played around with some of the editing transitions however we felt that including them didn't really represent the footage in the correct way; it wasn't needed but obviously this will be used in our actual opening sequences. Moreover, we got the editing done in pretty much one lesson so in terms of timing we were staying on top of what we needed to get done. 
Problems we encountered:

I personally find the editing process quite hard, possibly because I haven't used the 'Final Cut Express' software before so this is something I'll have to learn as I go along, however other members of my group have got to grips with the software so they were able to edit our prelim. Additionally, the setting in which we based our prelim was in a classroom which was a bit messy so it did not reflect the plot of our prelim but we were unable to find a better location in the time frame that we had.
Strengths of the prelim:

Our strengths were that we all worked together, nothing was left last minute and everyone had their own say it what was produced. We got on with the task quickly and efficiently by getting the props we needed and setting ourselves up accordingly- there were no arguments between the group on acting/editing/filming. 
Weaknesses of the prelim:

In terms of weaknesses I would suggest that we could of come up with a more challenging idea, however it is a prelim so we had a school environment with little resources. In addition to this the editing process could of been more complex, even though we didn't need to add sound etc. We could of done this anyway as practice for our actual sequences rather than just putting the clips together and leaving it as that. 
What we will remember to do the same next time:

Continue to plan exactly what we're going to do before we set out to do it and give everyone an individual role so we can do things efficiently. Also we should remember to keep our timing and get things done and out of the way. 
What we will remember to do differently:

Use the tripod so we can get better, more effective shots. Moreover, we should spend more time editing so that we can get the footage to look as best as it can. 

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